Saturday, December 30, 2006

2007 Goals

I got inspired by other people's lists of resolutions for 2007 and thought I would post mine. I like calling them "goals" rather than resolutions as that resonates more with me and seems more achievement-oriented.

2007 Goals

1. Knit from my stash - no yarn shopping (unless for a gift or if I run out of yarn for a project in process) until Stitches Midwest in August

2. Start and complete one crochet sweater

3. Learn how to do crochet motifs (in the round, granny squares, etc.)

4. Learn how to put in a zipper and sew a pair of pants and a skirt

5. Finish two classes in the UWM state & local tax graduate certificate program (one more to go then in 2008 to finish)

6. Finish at least two more NIU MBA classes and consider taking another in the summer to finish in Spring 2008 instead of Fall 2008

7. Go out at least once a week for a nice dinner "date night" with Jim

8. Be a more consistent blogger - with more posts and pictures about my non-knitting life while continuing to show a lot of pictures of knitting projects...more like a diary of my life including knitting than solely a knitting blog.


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